Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Click here

You know what I worry about whenever there's nothing better to do? I worry about all those times that I have clicked the little box that says "I accept" when I'm downloading stuff off the net. Once or twice I've looked quickly at the pages of close-spaced legalize mumbo-jumbo and idly wondered what it all meant, but I'm way too busy to actually read what I'm digitally signing. Who does?

So at certain quiet times I start to imagine what might happen if some of those "accepts" come home to roost. What if the software peddlers put a clause in there that says something like "by accepting this contract user agrees to come over to my house and sweep the garage every other Monday"? Or "Upon giving your digital signature you have added Wimblewalk.com to your will as primary beneficiary". Or maybe even "Checking OK gives us the right to use your name, picture, SSN, and backyard barbecue whenever and however we wish, forever".

This could cause problems. I am very fond of my backyard barbecue. I even have a special name for it. I'll tell you the name if you promise not to laugh. If you agree not to laugh, click here [ ] and scroll down.

"The Grill Of My Dreams"

And be here next Monday to sweep the garage. You agreed.