Monday, January 24, 2011


Faced with the prospect of enduring another long cold Colorado winter, I decided to start something that would ease my cabin fever: a search for the whereabouts and status of 155 members of the Hawthorne High NJ Class of 1962. With so much information floating free across the world-wide-web I figured it was possible to locate a fair share of the class by simply pounding on my keyboard. Turned out I was right. Out of 155, I found -- with some help from my friends -- information on all but nineteen. Isn't loss of all privacy fun?
With names, addresses and emails, I was able to touch base with people I had not seen or spoken with in nearly fifty years. Interesting, to say the least. The funny thing is, nobody has changed. The way they were is the way they are, me included. We knew in '62 that David would be a doctor, Joan would be an artist, Judi would be a librarian, Arlene would be a teacher and Bob would be a Marine. And so it was. Email conversations took up where we left off 49 years ago, and the tone was so familiar it was scary.

If a reunion does come together -- and that's somebody else's task, not mine -- it will be interesting indeed to hear the same old voices from faces that must have changed at least a little bit in the last half-century.

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